This year we are hosting a series of weightlifting clinics/workshops. These are great for athletes and coaches looking to learn more about performing and coaching the lifts (snatch, clean, and jerk)! There are both theory portions consisting of lecture and discussion and hands-on portions featuring feedback and video analysis.
Detailed Itinerary and signup information is below! We will limit each class to 15 participants to make sure everyone receives individual feedback and analysis!
Clinics Snatch Clinic $75.00 USD Clean Clinic $75.00 USD Jerk Clinic $75.00 USD Meet Coaching Clinic $75.00 USD Programming Seminar $75.00 USD
Snatch Clinic
Date/Time: January 19th, 12pm
- Introduction and Overview (5 min)
- Introduction to the Snatch – Lecture (20 mins)
- General Warm Up (10 min)
- Empty Bar/PVC Warm Up (10 min)
- Introduction to the Snatch – Lifting (40 mins)
- Break (15mins)
- Snatch Accessory Exercises– Lecture (20 mins)
- Snatch Accessory Exercises – Lifting (40 mins)
- Cool down/Q&A (20 minutes)

Weightlifting Programming and Periodization
Date/Time: February 23rd, 12pm
Topics and Schedule
- Introduction and Overview - Art meets Science! (10 min)
- Introduction to Programming for Weightlifting (20 mins)
- Analysis of Daily Plan and Exercise Order (20 min)
- Exercise Selection For Individual Athletes (20mins)
- Discussion of Weekly Plans and Number Training Days (20mins)
- Special Considerations (male vs. female, youth/junior vs. senior and masters) 20mins
- Long Term Planning and Peaking for Competition (20 mins)
Clean Clinic
Date/Time: TBD
- Introduction and Overview (5 min)
- Introduction to the Clean – Lecture (20 mins)
- General Warm Up (10 min)
- Empty Bar/PVC Warm Up (10 min)
- Introduction to the Clean – Lifting (40 mins)
- Break (15mins)
- Clean Accessory Exercises– Lecture (20 mins)
- Clean Accessory Exercises – Lifting (40 mins)
- Cool down/Q&A (20 minutes)
Jerk Clinic
Date/Time: March 23rd, 12pm
- Introduction and Overview (5 min)
- Introduction to the Jerk – Lecture (20 mins)
- General Warm Up (10 min)
- Empty Bar/PVC Warm Up (10 min)
- Introduction to the Jerk – Lifting (40 mins)
- Break (15mins)
- Jerk Accessory Exercises– Lecture (20 mins)
- Jerk Accessory Exercises – Lifting (40 mins)
- Cool down/Q&A (20 minutes)
Weightlifting Meet Coaching Clinic
Date/Time: May 4th, 12pm
- Introduction and Overview (10 min)
- Introduction to Weightlifting Competition – Lecture (20 mins)
- Detailed Explanation of Meet Rules and Order of Lifting (30 min)
- Overview of Picking Lifters Warmups and Openers (20 mins)
- Participants Analyze 3 Case Studies and Write Warmups and Timing (30mins)